


Summer Tutorial Program

Members of the team that set up the day care center firmly believe that education is the key to help the economically disadvantaged come out of dependency syndrome and become self sufficient, productive societal contributors.

To this end, children from these families who attend formal school are offered additional tutorial support during the summer months. This summer tutorial program has been run for the last two consecutive years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers for 2019. Hala Abdumalik Ibrahim and Rinaz Munir Yusuf have dedicated their time and energy to support this program for school children from Grade 1 upto grade 8. The major subjects we offered support was in English , Mathematics and Physics.

Our volunteer teachers testimonial was mostly positive regarding the student's interest. However, we have also heard a 7 year old young boy complain that " school is too tough, I don't know why I bother; my future wife will ensure I'm well fed and taken care of". This alerted members that the young boy is merely repeating what he has observed in his surroundings. Mothers are the major- and sometimes the only- breadwinners for the beneficiary families. The day care center , in addition to helping mothers by providing child care services, also provides seed money and informal training on how to start as well as operate a small business. This initiative has varying degrees of success since the mothers would still need training on how to become self confident, financially independent and withstand emotional manipulation from their male life partners. We call on volunteers to help us design, plan and run women economic empowerment training programs in order to ensure success of the initiative.

Mothers pay ETB 10 per day – just to instill a mentality of independence and self sufficiency. Volunteer members contribute ETB 160 per month. Donations from various people who visit the facility – in kind(foodstuff, old and new clothes) as well as cash. Three meals per day are served. Currently on the rotation are

Breakfast and Snack

  • Bread
  • Tea and Milk
  • Porridge


  • Pasta
  • Macaroni
  • Injera Firfir
  • Rice
  • Vegetables in mild sauce
  • Shiro

Monthly Food expense for 80 children(average per day)

  • Breakfast 1237x4 = ETB 4,948
  • Lunch 2086x4= ETB 8,344
  • Snacks 1237x4= ETB 4,948

Total monthly food expense = ETB 18,240

  • Cleaning Supplies(Soap, Omo,Largo) ETB 450/month

Other expenses per Child

  • Water 0.5 liters 3x26 = ETB 78 per month
  • Diaper per day 2x9=ETB 18
  • Diaper per month 18x26=  ETB 468

Kindergarten students expenses

  • Registration, school books and one month fee for a student =  ETB 1,450
  • Monthly Expense ETB 550*9=4950
  • Exercise Books  6 pcsx14 = ETB 84
  • Eraser 5pcs x5=ETB 25
  • Pencils 10pcs x4 = ETB 50
  • Toilet paper 4pcsx10=ETB 55
  • Art Exercise book = 1x15=15
  • School bag=300
  • Lunch box and bag = 450
  • Total Annual Expense per child= ETB 7379

Current Expenses- Staff

  • Staff Controller – ETB 2500 per month
  • Property Controller – ETB 2200 per month
  • For  five Day Care Attendants – 1500 each
  • For Cook – ETB 1600 per month
  • Delivery for Bread – ETB 700 per month
  • Teacher (Oustaz) 2000 per month
  • Total monthly expense for staff – ETB 16500

Current plans

To finish the construction as fast as possible and start the daycare service.

now a day is its close because of the construction